Monday, April 19, 2010

When the obvious ties together

In an effort not to lose my dashing French skills, I bought two discounted French novels at the campus bookstore last week. They were used in classes, I suspect, last term or recently and were no longer needed in stock. One is meant for ages 10 and up and the other is a proper adult novel.

I was just about to start the younglings book "Vendredi ou la vie sauvage" this evening when I decided to look up the word "naufrage" on my handy-dandy electronic dictionnaire. I was drawn to this word, used in the description on the back cover, because my province has a region called "Naufrage" along the north shore. Turns out naufrage, when used in context of boats, is a shipwreck. So now I feel a pull to learn about shipwrecks in Naufrage, or PEI in general.

A quick Google searched yielded some poor results (news releases over the past decade - which do have merit but weren't quite what I was looking for) but did point me in the direction of one site: Famous Shipwrecks of the past 400 Years. The only listing for PEI is up in Cavendish, occurring in the summer of 1883. This ship was called the Marco Polo.

Name of one of the main campgrounds in Cavendish? Marco Polo Land. I feel so enlightened, but am disheartened that the campground's website offers no history of the campground or the relevance of the chosen name.

I wonder what obvious factoid I will realise tomorrow? Enlighten me, dear readers!

BTW, you may see this a few days after I wrote this due to Facebook's poor blog feed as of late. But share your obvious information anyway.

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